Our pFIT Participant of the Month for December is Anna. She attends pFIT at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre and has been doing so since September 2013. We asked her a few questions about how pFIT has impacted her life.

AnnaQ: What is your age?

Anna: I will be 65 in a few months.

Q: What are your fitness goals in attending pFIT classes?

Anna: I currently use a walker to get around and I would like to not have to use it. In order for that to happen, I need to strengthen my legs. I would also like to improve my balance, and again, I first need to strengthen my legs.

Q: Do you have any examples you can share that demonstrate how your leg strength has already improved?

Anna: My aunt and uncle live in Montreal and I try to visit them at least every Fall. Since they live in a split house, there are several steps at the entrance to get to the main floor. When I visited in 2012, I was easily fatigued climbing the stairs and nearly fell backwards. Thank goodness my husband was behind me to support me. This year, when we visited in October, I did not get tired and felt as though I danced up the steps! I know it is because I have been attending the pFIT classes.

Q: What are your favourite things about pFIT?

Anna: I really love the social aspect. Everyone is so friendly and happy to be there. The instructors are welcoming and great at setting us up. The fact that I sit while I do the leg exercises is perfect for me because I also have back issues. I have never really been a gym or sports person, so this is a perfect option for me.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share about your fitness or pFIT?

Anna: People need to remember how important it is to keep your legs strong. You lose the ability to do a lot of everyday things if you don’t actively take care of your body.

A big thank you to Anna for chatting with us about pFIT and how it is helping her achieve greater health!